
David Calls Out to Saul

David Calls Out to Saul
David Calls Out to Saul

As King Saul stepped out of the dark cave and into the bright sunlight, David felt his heart pounding. He had just let his greatest enemy walk away unharmed. But he could not stay silent. He had to make Saul understand.

Summoning his courage, David ran to the entrance of the cave and called out with a strong voice, “My lord the king!”

Hearing his name, Saul stopped in his tracks. His soldiers, ever watchful, immediately raised their weapons, ready to strike if needed. But David was not a threat. Instead, he lifted his hand and held up a piece of cloth for all to see—the very piece he had cut from Saul’s royal robe.

“See, my father!” David continued, his voice echoing through the rocky hills. “I had the chance to take your life, but I did not. This piece of your robe was in my hands, yet I let you go unharmed. Does this not prove that I mean you no harm?”

The tension in the air was thick, and silence fell over Saul’s men. They looked at their king, waiting to see how he would respond. Would he recognize David’s mercy? Or would he still see him as a threat?

David Calls Out to Saul
David Calls Out to Saul

Bible Verse:
“My lord the king! See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand!” — 1 Samuel 24:11

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