Elijah is Fed by Ravens

Elijah, a faithful prophet of God, follows the Lord’s command and goes into hiding near the Kerith Brook. Though he is alone in the wilderness, he is not forgotten. Each morning and evening, large black ravens swoop down from the sky, carrying pieces of bread and meat in their beaks. These unlikely messengers of God provide Elijah with the food he needs to survive.
Sitting on a rock by the gently flowing brook, Elijah lifts his hands in prayer, his heart filled with gratitude. He knows that even in the most difficult times, God provides for those who trust in Him. The clear water of the brook quenches his thirst, while the miraculous meals from the ravens sustain his strength.

This incredible moment is recorded in the Bible:
“The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.” – 1 Kings 17:6