
The Floating Ax Head

The Floating Ax Head
The Floating Ax Head

A group of young prophets was working together to build a larger place to live. As they were cutting down trees near the Jordan River, one of them had an accident—his iron ax head came loose and fell into the water. This was a big problem because the ax wasn’t his; he had borrowed it from someone else. Distressed, he called out to the prophet Elisha, saying, “Oh no, my master! The ax was borrowed!”

Elisha, the man of God, calmly asked him, “Where did it fall?” The young man pointed to the exact spot in the river where the ax had sunk. Without hesitation, Elisha took a stick, cut it, and threw it into the water at that very place.

Then something incredible happened—something that defied the laws of nature. The heavy iron ax head, which should have remained at the bottom of the river, suddenly floated up to the surface! The young prophet was able to reach out and take it back.

This was a miraculous display of God’s power over nature, showing that nothing is impossible for Him—even making iron float!

Bible Verse:

“Where did it fall?” And he cut off a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. — 2 Kings 6:6

This story reminds us that God cares even about the small troubles in our lives, and He has the power to help us in ways we could never expect!

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