The Army of Angels

One day, the king of Aram, who was at war with Israel, became frustrated because his battle plans kept failing. He discovered that the prophet Elisha was warning the king of Israel about his secret strategies. Furious, the king of Aram sent a large army, including horses and chariots, to capture Elisha. They traveled overnight and surrounded the city of Dothan, where Elisha was staying.
Early the next morning, Elisha’s servant woke up and stepped outside. To his horror, he saw enemy soldiers surrounding the entire city. Panicking, he ran to Elisha and cried out, “What are we going to do?”
But Elisha remained calm and reassured him, saying, “Do not be afraid. Those who are with us are greater than those who are against us.” Seeing the servant’s fear, Elisha prayed, “Lord, open his eyes so that he may see.”
In that moment, God allowed the servant to see beyond the physical world. His eyes were opened to a heavenly sight—an enormous army of angels with fiery chariots filling the hills around them, ready to protect Elisha. The servant now understood that they were not alone and that God’s power was far greater than the enemy’s forces.
As the enemy soldiers advanced to capture Elisha, he prayed again, asking God to strike them with blindness. Immediately, the entire Aramean army was thrown into confusion, unable to see. Taking advantage of their helplessness, Elisha led them straight to the king of Israel. Instead of having them killed, Elisha told the king to show them mercy by giving them food and water before sending them home.

This act of kindness led to peace between Aram and Israel for a time.
Bible Verse: “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” — 2 Kings 6:16