
Elisha’s Final Prophecy and Death

Elisha’s Final Prophecy and Death
Elisha’s Final Prophecy and Death

As the prophet Elisha grew older, his health began to fail. Knowing that his time on earth was coming to an end, he had one last important message for the king of Israel. He prophesied that the nation would experience victory over its enemies, but only if the king had complete faith in God. This was a powerful reminder that success was not based on human strength alone, but on trusting in God’s divine power.

After Elisha passed away, he was buried, and life went on. Some time later, a group of people were in the process of burying a dead man when they suddenly spotted a band of raiders approaching. Fearing for their safety, they quickly threw the man’s body into the nearest available tomb—Elisha’s tomb—before running away.

Something incredible happened the moment the dead man’s body touched Elisha’s bones. Instantly, the man came back to life and stood up! This miraculous event was clear proof that God’s power had not left His faithful prophet, even after death. It was a final sign that God’s presence and authority extended beyond the grave, showing that His miracles were not limited by time or human understanding.

Elisha’s Final Prophecy and Death
Elisha’s Final Prophecy and Death

Bible Verse:

“When Elisha died, they buried him. But as they were burying a man, they saw a band of raiders and threw the man into Elisha’s tomb. When the man touched Elisha’s bones, he revived and stood up.” — 2 Kings 13:21

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