The First Miracle – Parting the Jordan River

Elisha held tightly onto Elijah’s mantle, his heart pounding with a mix of grief and uncertainty. His beloved mentor, the great prophet Elijah, had just been taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, leaving him alone. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on Elisha’s shoulders. Was he truly ready to carry on Elijah’s work? Would God be with him as He had been with his master?
Determined to find out, Elisha walked back to the Jordan River, the very place where he had last seen Elijah perform a miracle. He took a deep breath, recalling how his mentor had used this very cloak to part the waters. Mimicking Elijah’s actions, he rolled up the mantle and struck the river, expecting the same result.
But nothing happened.
For a moment, doubt crept into his heart. Had God abandoned him? Had he misunderstood his calling? In desperation, Elisha lifted his voice and cried out, “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” It was not just a question; it was a plea for confirmation that God was still with him, that he had truly inherited Elijah’s prophetic authority.
Then, suddenly, the waters responded. Just as they had for Elijah, they parted, creating a dry path for Elisha to walk through. The power of God was with him!
From a distance, a group of prophets from Jericho stood watching. These men had been skeptical before, unsure whether Elisha could truly take Elijah’s place. But now, seeing him perform the same miracle his master had done, they knew without a doubt—Elisha was God’s chosen prophet. Whispering among themselves, they said in awe, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.”
At that moment, Elisha’s journey as a great prophet truly began.

Bible Verse:
“Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, ‘Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?’ And when he had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over.” — 2 Kings 2:14