
Poisonous Stew is Made Edible

Poisonous Stew is Made Edible
Poisonous Stew is Made Edible

During a time of great famine, food was scarce, and people struggled to find enough to eat. A group of men, known as the sons of the prophets, had gathered together, and the prophet Elisha wanted to provide them with a meal. He instructed his servant to prepare a large pot of stew so that everyone could eat and be nourished.

One of the men went out to collect ingredients for the stew. As he searched, he came across a wild plant and picked some of its fruit or herbs, not realizing that it was actually poisonous. He brought the gathered plants back and added them to the stew, unknowingly putting everyone at risk.

As the stew cooked, the delicious smell filled the air, and the men eagerly sat down to eat. However, shortly after taking their first bites, they began to feel something was terribly wrong. They cried out in fear, shouting to Elisha, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” They realized that the food was unsafe and feared they might die from the poison.

Elisha, remaining calm and full of faith, took a handful of flour and threw it into the pot. While this might not seem like a logical solution, it was an act of divine intervention. Through God’s power, the flour neutralized the poison, making the stew completely safe to eat.

At first, the men were hesitant, unsure if the food had truly been made safe. But when they tried it again, they were relieved to find that all the danger had disappeared. The meal that had once been deadly was now nourishing and life-giving. This miraculous event reminded them that God always provides for His people, even in times of great hardship and famine.

Poisonous Stew is Made Edible
Poisonous Stew is Made Edible

Bible Verse:
“Then bring flour,” he said. And he threw it into the pot and said, “Serve it to the people that they may eat.” And there was no harm in the pot.” — 2 Kings 4:41

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