
The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins
The Journey Begins

Bible Verse: Genesis 12:4 – “So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.”

When God called Abram (later known as Abraham) to leave his homeland, he obeyed without hesitation. He gathered his family, including his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot, along with their servants, herds of livestock, and all their belongings. Together, they set off on a long and uncertain journey, leaving behind everything familiar.

The Journey Begins
The Journey Begins

Their path took them across vast deserts, rolling hills, and fertile pastures. The journey was not easy—they faced harsh weather, scarce water, and the constant challenge of travel in an unknown land. Despite these hardships, Abraham remained faithful, trusting that God was leading them to a better future. With each step, they relied on divine guidance, believing in the promises God had made.

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