
God’s Promise

God’s Promise
God’s Promise

One night, Abraham was deep in prayer when God spoke to him once again. God told him to look up at the night sky and try to count the stars, knowing that it was impossible to number them all. Then, God made a powerful promise—He assured Abraham that his descendants would be just as numerous as the countless stars in the sky.

At that time, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were already very old and had no children, making this promise seem unlikely from a human perspective. However, Abraham chose to trust in God’s words, believing that God would fulfill His promise in His own time and way. This moment became a key example of faith, showing that even when circumstances seem impossible, trusting in God can lead to great blessings.

God’s Promise
God’s Promise

Bible Verse: Genesis 15:5 – “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.

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