
God’s Command

God’s Command
God’s Command

One morning, Abraham hears God’s voice speaking to him once again. But this time, the command is heartbreaking and difficult to comprehend. God instructs Abraham to take his beloved son, Isaac—the only son born to him and Sarah in their old age—and travel to the land of Moriah. There, he is to offer Isaac as a burnt sacrifice.

This request must have been agonizing for Abraham. Isaac was not only his cherished child but also the fulfillment of God’s promise that Abraham would become the father of many nations. Yet, despite his sorrow and confusion, Abraham chooses to trust in God’s plan. With a heavy heart, he gathers the necessary supplies, takes his son, and begins the journey, believing that God has a greater purpose behind this test of faith.

Bible Verse: Genesis 22:2 – “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering.”

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