
The Journey to Moriah

The Journey to Moriah
The Journey to Moriah

Abraham, his son Isaac, and two of his servants were traveling toward Mount Moriah, a place God had instructed Abraham to go. They had been on this journey for three days, walking across the land, making their way toward their destination. As they traveled, Abraham remained deep in thought, likely reflecting on the difficult task God had given him—to offer his beloved son as a sacrifice.

Isaac, still unaware of what was ahead, enjoyed the journey, trusting his father completely. The two servants accompanied them, assisting with the supplies, unaware of the true purpose of their trip. Finally, on the third day, Abraham lifted his eyes and saw Mount Moriah in the distance, the place where his faith would be tested in a profound way.

The Journey to Moriah
The Journey to Moriah

Bible Verse: Genesis 22:4 – “On the third day, Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance.”

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