The Fall of Man

Eve looked at the fruit from the forbidden tree, tempted by its beauty and the promise that it would give her wisdom. She reached out, took a piece, and bit into it. At that moment, something changed inside her. She then handed the fruit to Adam, who also took a bite.
The moment they ate the fruit, their eyes were opened—not in a physical sense, but in a deep, spiritual way. For the first time, they became aware of things they had never noticed before. They suddenly felt shame and fear, emotions they had never experienced in the perfect world God had created for them. They realized they were naked, something that had never bothered them before, but now it made them feel exposed and vulnerable. In a panic, they gathered fig leaves and stitched them together to cover themselves, hoping to hide their newfound shame.
In that single act of disobedience, everything changed. The pure and innocent life they had known in the Garden of Eden was gone. Sin had entered the world, bringing guilt, fear, and separation from God.

Bible Verse: “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” — Genesis 3:7