
Hiding from the Creator

Hiding from the Creator
Hiding from the Creator

When Adam and Eve heard the voice of their Creator in the garden, they were overcome with a new and unfamiliar emotion—fear. This was the first time they had ever felt the need to hide. They quickly took cover among the trees, hoping to avoid being seen. The Creator, knowing something had changed, called out to them, saying, “Where are you?”

Hiding from the Creator
Hiding from the Creator

Adam hesitated but finally responded, “We hid because we were naked and afraid.” The Creator, understanding what had taken place, asked them directly, “Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?” In that moment, the weight of their choice became clear. They had disobeyed, and their innocence was lost.

Hiding from the Creator
Hiding from the Creator

Bible Verse: “But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” — Genesis 3:9

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