The Banishment from Eden

In His great kindness, the Creator “God” provided clothing for Adam and Eve after they realized they were naked. He made garments for them from the skins of animals, showing His care for them even after they disobeyed Him. However, because they had broken His command, He sent them away from the beautiful Garden of Eden. As a reminder that they could no longer live there, God placed cherubim, angelic beings, with a flaming sword at the entrance of the garden. This sword moved back and forth, creating a barrier that prevented Adam and Eve from returning.
Though they were sent out into a world full of challenges, the Creator’s love for them remained. They had to start a new life outside the garden, where they would face struggles, but they would never be forgotten by the One who had always cared for them.

Bible Verse: “After He drove the man out, He placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.” — Genesis 3:24