
Let There Be Light

Let There Be Light
Let There Be Light

In the beginning, there was only darkness—an endless, silent void stretching in all directions. Nothing existed yet; no stars, no sun, no earth—only emptiness. Then, in that vast silence, a powerful voice echoed through the darkness, a voice beyond human comprehension. It spoke with authority and boundless creativity:

“Let there be light!”

At that very moment, a dazzling explosion of golden light erupted, piercing through the darkness like a sunrise after the longest night. The shadows fled, retreating into the corners of the cosmos as the universe stirred to life. This was the first act of creation—the very beginning of everything we know. From that single spark, the foundations of the universe were laid, with light and darkness now separate, each with its own purpose. This moment set the stage for all that was to come, from the formation of the heavens and the earth to the creation of life itself.

Let There Be Light
Let There Be Light

Bible Verse:
“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.” — Genesis 1:3-4

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