Cain’s Punishment

After Cain killed his brother Abel, the Creator “God” was greatly angered and punished him. God cursed Cain, telling him that the land would no longer provide crops for him. No matter how much he worked the ground, it would not yield food. Because of this, Cain would become a restless wanderer, always moving from place to place, never finding peace or stability.
Terrified of what might happen to him, Cain begged the Creator for mercy, asking that he not be harmed. In response, the Creator showed Cain mercy by placing a special mark on him. This mark would serve as a sign to others that Cain should not be harmed, and no one would be able to kill him. Despite this protection, Cain was still forced to leave his home and live the rest of his life in exile, wandering the earth alone.

Bible Verse: “So the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.” — Genesis 4:15