The World Grows Wicked

As time went on, generation after generation of people were born, and humanity spread across the earth. Cities grew, families expanded, and people built their lives in many different places. However, as the number of people increased, so did their wrongdoing. Instead of following the ways of the God, they chose to live by their own desires. Greed, selfishness, and cruelty took over their hearts. People became violent, harming one another without regret. Kindness and love faded, and injustice became common.
The Creator “God” watched all of this unfold and felt deep sorrow. He had given people the gift of life and a beautiful world to live in, yet they had turned away from Him. Instead of choosing goodness, they chose evil. Their thoughts were constantly filled with wickedness, and their actions reflected the darkness in their hearts.

Bible Verse: “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” — Genesis 6:5
This verse shows how deeply people had fallen into corruption. Their thoughts and desires were no longer focused on what was right but on what was wrong. The world had become a place of violence and sin, far from the goodness the Creator had intended.