Noah, the Righteous Man

During a time when the world was filled with corruption, violence, and wickedness, there was one man who remained righteous and faithful to God—Noah. Unlike the people around him, Noah lived a life of obedience and goodness, and because of this, he found favor in the eyes of the Creator.
God saw how humanity had turned away from what was right, and He decided to cleanse the earth with a great flood. But because of Noah’s faithfulness, God chose to save him and his family. The Lord spoke to Noah and gave him a clear command: build a massive ark, a great wooden vessel, that would keep him, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal safe from the coming flood.
Though Noah may not have fully understood how everything would happen, he trusted God and followed His instructions. Through Noah’s obedience, life was preserved, and the story of humanity continued.

Bible Verse: “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” — Genesis 6:8