The Great Flood Begins

When Noah and his family had safely entered the massive wooden ark that God had instructed him to build, the skies darkened, and rain began to pour. At first, it was just a steady rainfall, but soon, the downpour became relentless. It continued without stopping for 40 days and 40 nights.
As the rain fell, the water on the ground kept rising higher and higher. Rivers overflowed, lakes expanded, and even the tallest trees and mountains began disappearing beneath the waves. Everything that had once been familiar—the towns, fields, and homes—was swallowed by the flood. The world as people had known it was completely washed away, leaving only the ark floating on the vast waters.

Bible Verse: “For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased, they lifted the ark high above the earth.” — Genesis 7:17