Birds Fill the Skies

After the land and seas were created, the sky began to come alive. The Creator decided to fill the heavens with birds, each one special in its own way. Some birds were large and majestic, like eagles, soaring high above the mountaintops, showing their strength and grace. Others, like doves, flew peacefully and gracefully through the air, spreading calm and beauty wherever they went. Small and vibrant, hummingbirds moved quickly from one flower to another, their wings beating so fast they seemed to hover in midair. The air was filled with the sweet songs of these birds, each note a celebration of the amazing world that was being created. All these creatures were a gift, filling the world with life and sound, and they brought joy to the Creator.

Bible Verse: “And God said, ‘Let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.’ So God created every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” — Genesis 1:20-21