
The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden

The Creator, God, made a beautiful garden called Eden and placed the first man, Adam, there to live. This garden was a true paradise, filled with all kinds of lush, fruit-bearing trees, flowing rivers, and peaceful animals living in harmony. Everything Adam needed to live happily was provided for him.

At the heart of this magnificent garden, God placed two special trees. One was called the Tree of Life, which represented eternal life, and the other was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave Adam the important role of taking care of the garden, enjoying its beauty, and living in perfect peace. He had everything he could ever need—fresh food, clean water, and the companionship of nature.

The Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden

Bible Verse:
“And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” — Genesis 2:8

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