
Jonah Finally Goes to Nineveh

Jonah Finally Goes to Nineveh
Jonah Finally Goes to Nineveh

God spoke to Jonah once again and gave him a clear command:

“Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Deliver to them the message that I am giving you.” (Jonah 3:2)

This time, unlike before, Jonah listened and obeyed. He traveled to Nineveh, a vast and powerful city, and walked through its streets proclaiming God’s warning. He told the people that if they did not change their ways, God’s judgment would come upon them. Jonah’s message was simple but urgent—Nineveh had only a short time to turn from its wickedness before facing destruction.

Jonah Finally Goes to Nineveh
Jonah Finally Goes to Nineveh
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