
The Sailors Cast Lots

The Sailors Cast Lots
The Sailors Cast Lots

The sailors, terrified by the raging storm and desperate to understand why it had come upon them, decided to cast lots—a common practice in ancient times to determine divine will or uncover hidden truths. When they did so, the lot fell upon Jonah, indicating that he was the cause of their misfortune.

Turning to him with urgency, they bombarded him with questions:

“Please, tell us! Why has this terrible storm come upon us? What is your occupation? Where do you come from? What is your country? And of what people are you?” (Jonah 1:8)

The Sailors Cast Lots
The Sailors Cast Lots

Jonah, realizing he could no longer hide the truth, confessed that he was a Hebrew and a prophet of the Lord. He admitted that he was fleeing from God’s command, and it was his disobedience that had brought this great storm upon them.

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