
Joseph in Prison

Joseph in Prison
Joseph in Prison

Even while he was in prison, Joseph remained faithful to God. Though he had been wrongly accused and thrown into jail, he did not lose hope or turn away from his faith. God was with Joseph and blessed him with wisdom and favor. Because of this, the prison warden recognized Joseph’s integrity and leadership skills, placing him in charge of the other prisoners (Genesis 39:21-22).

One day, two of Pharaoh’s officials—the cupbearer and the baker—were thrown into prison. Both of them had disturbing dreams that they could not understand. Seeing their distress, Joseph, with God’s wisdom, offered to interpret their dreams. He explained that the cupbearer would soon be restored to his position, while the baker would face execution. As Joseph had predicted, the dreams came true (Genesis 40:8-22).

Joseph in Prison
Joseph in Prison

Before the cupbearer was released, Joseph asked him to remember him and speak to Pharaoh on his behalf. However, once free, the cupbearer forgot all about Joseph, leaving him in prison for two more years (Genesis 40:23).

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