Remembering the Past

As Lot’s daughters sit in the darkness of the cave, their minds drift back to the life they once knew in Sodom. They remember the dazzling lights that filled the city streets, the sound of laughter and music echoing through the night, and the grand feasts where food and wine were plentiful. Their past was full of noise, excitement, and celebration. But now, all of that is gone. The world around them is eerily silent, the only sound being their own thoughts and whispers.

They cannot help but long for what they lost, questioning why things had to change so drastically. But the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 7:10 reminds us:
“Do not say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such questions.”
This verse teaches that dwelling on the past and wishing for what once was can cloud our judgment. Instead of longing for days gone by, we are encouraged to focus on the present and seek wisdom in moving forward.