The Wicked Men of Sodom

That night, a large group of angry men gathered outside Lot’s house, demanding that he send out the two visitors who had come to stay with him. These visitors were actually angels, though the mob didn’t know that. The crowd insisted on having the strangers brought out to them, but Lot, trying to protect his guests, begged them not to do such a wicked thing. In the midst of this intense situation, the angels quickly pulled Lot inside the house, making sure he was safe. To stop the mob from causing any more harm, the angels struck them with a supernatural blindness. This sudden blindness threw the crowd into confusion and chaos, as they stumbled around in the dark, unable to find the door to Lot’s house. It was a dramatic way for the angels to protect Lot and prevent the mob from carrying out their evil plans.

Genesis 19:11 says, “Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.” This verse describes the moment when the angels used their power to stop the mob, showing their divine intervention to protect Lot and his guests from harm.