Moses Returns to Egypt

With his staff in hand, Moses began his journey back to Egypt, following the command of God. Along the way, he was joined by his brother Aaron, whom God had sent to support him. Together, they traveled toward the land where their people, the Hebrews, were suffering under the harsh rule of Pharaoh.
When they arrived, they gathered the elders of Israel—the respected leaders among the Hebrew people—and shared with them everything that God had spoken. To reassure them that God was truly with them, Moses performed the miraculous signs that God had given him.
Upon seeing these signs and hearing that the Lord had not forgotten them but had seen their suffering, the people were filled with hope. They believed in God’s promise of deliverance and, overwhelmed with gratitude, they bowed down in worship, acknowledging that God had remembered and cared for them in their time of need.

Bible Verse:
“And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” — Exodus 4:31