Confronting Pharaoh

Moses and his brother Aaron stood before Pharaoh, the powerful ruler of Egypt, and delivered a message from God:
“This is what the Lord says: ‘Let My people go, so they may worship Me.’”
Pharaoh, however, was not impressed. He laughed at them and replied, “Who is this ‘Lord’ that I should listen to Him? I don’t know Him, and I certainly won’t let the Israelites go free.”
Instead of granting their freedom, Pharaoh became even more stubborn. He made life even harder for the Israelites, increasing their workload and making their suffering worse. The people, frustrated and exhausted, turned against Moses, blaming him for their troubles.
But God reassured Moses, telling him, “Do not be afraid. I will rescue My people with great power and miraculous signs.”
God’s promise to the Israelites was clear:
“I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.” — Exodus 6:6

Even when things seemed hopeless, God was preparing to deliver His people in a way that would show His strength and faithfulness.