More Plagues Strike Egypt

In the biblical story of the ten plagues of Egypt, God sent a series of devastating disasters to force Pharaoh to free the enslaved Israelites. Here are some of the plagues and their effects:
- Gnats: The dust of the land miraculously transformed into tiny gnats, which swarmed everywhere, covering both people and animals. There was no escape from the biting insects.
- Flies: Swarms of flies filled the homes of the Egyptians, buzzing relentlessly and making life unbearable. However, the homes of the Hebrew people remained untouched, showing a clear distinction between them and their oppressors.
- Livestock Diseased: A severe plague struck Egypt’s livestock, killing cattle, horses, donkeys, and other animals. Meanwhile, the Israelites’ animals remained unharmed, proving God’s protection over His people.
- Boils: Painful, burning sores broke out on the skin of the Egyptians. The boils were so severe that even Pharaoh’s magicians, who once tried to mimic Moses’ miracles, could not stand before him because of their suffering.
- Hailstorm: A massive storm, unlike anything Egypt had ever seen, struck with terrifying force. Large hailstones rained down, destroying crops, trees, and anything left exposed. Those who heeded the warning and took shelter were spared, but many Egyptians suffered great losses.
- Locusts: Just as Egypt was beginning to recover from the hailstorm, swarms of hungry locusts arrived. They devoured every plant and crop that had survived the previous disaster, leaving the land barren.
- Darkness: For three whole days, Egypt was plunged into total darkness—so thick that people couldn’t even see each other or move about freely. Yet, in the land where the Hebrews lived, there was still light.
Despite witnessing these incredible and terrifying events, Pharaoh stubbornly refused to release the Israelites. His heart remained hardened, and he would not acknowledge God’s power.

Bible Verse:
“Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not let the Israelites go.” — Exodus 9:35