
The Final Plague – Death of the Firstborn

The Final Plague – Death of the Firstborn
The Final Plague – Death of the Firstborn

God spoke to Moses and warned him that He would bring a final and devastating plague upon Egypt. He said, “I will strike down every firstborn son in the land, from the household of Pharaoh to the lowest servant, even the firstborn of the animals.”

To protect the Israelites from this judgment, God gave them special instructions. Each family was to sacrifice a perfect lamb and use its blood to mark the doorframes of their homes. This sign would show their obedience and faith. That night, as the angel of death moved through Egypt, bringing death to the firstborn in every household, he passed over the homes marked with the lamb’s blood, sparing them from the plague.

As morning came, a loud and sorrowful cry echoed throughout Egypt. Parents and rulers alike mourned the loss of their firstborn children. Even Pharaoh, who had stubbornly refused to let the Israelites go, was overwhelmed with grief and fear. Finally, he gave in and ordered Moses and the Israelites to leave Egypt at once.

This event, known as the Passover, became a defining moment in Israel’s history, a reminder of God’s protection and deliverance.

The Final Plague – Death of the Firstborn
The Final Plague – Death of the Firstborn

Bible Verse:
“At midnight, the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt.” — Exodus 12:29

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