The Red Sea Miracle

After allowing the Israelites to leave Egypt, Pharaoh had a change of heart. He realized that he had just let his enslaved workforce go free, and he regretted his decision. In a desperate attempt to bring them back, he gathered his army—chariots, horses, and soldiers—and set out in pursuit of the Israelites.
Meanwhile, the Israelites had reached the shores of the Red Sea. When they saw Pharaoh’s army rapidly approaching from behind, they were terrified. With the sea in front of them and no way to escape, they felt trapped and began to panic, fearing for their lives.
But Moses, their leader, trusted in God’s power. He stretched out his staff over the sea as God had instructed, and an incredible miracle took place. A mighty wind blew, causing the waters to split apart, creating a dry path through the sea. The Israelites hurried across, walking safely between towering walls of water on either side.
Pharaoh’s army, determined to capture them, rushed into the sea’s path, chasing after them. But as soon as the last Israelite reached the other side, Moses stretched out his staff once more. The waters crashed back down, swallowing the Egyptian soldiers, chariots, and horses. Not a single one of them survived.
This miraculous event showed God’s power and protection over His people, proving that He would always make a way, even when things seemed impossible.

Bible Verse:
“The Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind, and the waters were divided.” — Exodus 14:21