
Celebration and Song of Deliverance

Celebration and Song of Deliverance
Celebration and Song of Deliverance

After miraculously crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites turned back and saw the powerful Egyptian army completely destroyed as the waters came crashing down upon them. They realized that God had saved them from their enemies, and their fear turned into great joy. Overwhelmed with gratitude and relief, they began to celebrate, lifting their voices in praise to God for His mighty deliverance.

Moses’ sister, Miriam, a prophetess and a leader among the women, picked up a tambourine and led the women in a joyful song of victory. They danced and sang, rejoicing in God’s power and faithfulness. Their song declared how God had defeated their enemies and saved His people.

Celebration and Song of Deliverance
Celebration and Song of Deliverance

Bible Verse:
“Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider He has thrown into the sea.” — Exodus 15:21

This moment was a turning point for the Israelites, reminding them that God was with them, guiding and protecting them on their journey to the Promised Land.

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