Manna from Heaven

The people of Israel, wandering in the desert, began to grow hungry and complained to Moses, longing for the food they had back in Egypt. They worried about how they would survive in such a barren land.
In response to their needs, God performed a miracle. Each morning, He sent down a special bread-like substance called manna, covering the ground like dew. In the evening, He provided quail for them to eat, ensuring they had food daily.
Moses gave them clear instructions: “Gather only as much as you need for the day. Do not keep any leftovers until the next morning.” However, some did not listen and tried to store extra manna for the following days. But when they woke up, they found that it had rotted and was filled with worms, teaching them to trust in God’s daily provision.

Bible Verse:
“I will rain down bread from heaven for you.” — Exodus 16:4