
Water from the Rock

Water from the Rock
Water from the Rock

At a place called Rephidim, the people of Israel were extremely thirsty and had no water to drink. They became desperate and started complaining to Moses, worried that they and their animals would die of thirst in the wilderness. In response, Moses turned to God for help.

God then gave Moses a clear instruction: He told him to take his staff—the same one he had used to perform miracles in Egypt—and strike a specific rock at a place called Horeb. When Moses obeyed and struck the rock, fresh water miraculously gushed out, providing enough for all the people to drink and be satisfied.

Water from the Rock
Water from the Rock

Bible Verse:
“I will stand before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” — Exodus 17:6

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