
Moses Sees an Egyptian Beating a Hebrew

Moses Sees an Egyptian Beating a Hebrew

One day, Moses left the comfort of the Egyptian palace, where he had been raised as a prince, and went out to see how the Hebrew people—his own people—were living. As he walked among them, he saw something that filled him with anger and sorrow. An Egyptian overseer was brutally beating a Hebrew man, showing no mercy. The sight of this injustice stirred something deep inside Moses.

He looked around carefully to make sure no one was watching. Seeing that he was alone, he took action. Overcome with anger, he struck the Egyptian, killing him on the spot. Realizing the seriousness of what he had done, Moses quickly decided to hide the evidence. He buried the Egyptian’s body in the sand, hoping no one would discover what had happened.

Moses Sees an Egyptian Beating a Hebrew

Bible Verse:
“Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.” — Exodus 2:12

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