
Moses Flees Egypt

Moses Flees Egypt

The following day, Moses came across two Hebrew men engaged in a heated argument. Seeing them fight, he stepped in and tried to break it up, asking, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew? You are both brothers—why hurt each other?”

But instead of being grateful, one of the men turned to Moses and snapped, “Who put you in charge over us? Are you our ruler and judge now? What are you going to do—kill me like you killed that Egyptian yesterday?”

Moses’ heart began to race. He had thought no one had seen what happened the day before when he had killed the Egyptian taskmaster who was beating a Hebrew slave. But now, he realized his secret was out! If these men knew, then others must have heard too.

Sure enough, word reached Pharaoh, and when he found out what Moses had done, he was furious. Pharaoh immediately ordered Moses’ arrest and execution.

Terrified for his life, Moses had no choice but to flee. He ran away from Egypt and escaped into the wilderness, eventually arriving in a distant land called Midian. There, far from the reach of Pharaoh, his life would take a new turn.

Moses Flees Egypt

Bible Verse:
“When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian.”Exodus 2:15

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