Moses Arrives in Midian

After spending many days traveling through the hot and dry desert, Moses finally arrived at a well in the land of Midian. Exhausted from his journey and in desperate need of water, he sat down by the well to rest.
As he sat there, he saw seven sisters approaching with their flock of sheep. They had come to the well to draw water for their animals. However, before they could do so, a group of rough and selfish shepherds arrived and tried to drive them away, refusing to let them water their flock.
Seeing this unfair treatment, Moses could not stand by and do nothing. He immediately stepped in to defend the women, standing up to the shepherds and ensuring they could get water without being harassed. Not only did he protect them, but he also helped them draw water for their animals.
When the sisters returned home, they excitedly told their father, Jethro, about the kind stranger who had helped them. Impressed by Moses’ actions, Jethro invited him to stay as a guest in his home. Over time, Moses became part of the family, and Jethro later gave his daughter, Zipporah, to Moses as a wife.

Bible Verse:
“Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.” — Exodus 2:21